
Nualart and Tudor [NT17]

BibTeX Entry:

 author = {Nualart, David and Tudor, Ciprian A.},
 doi = {10.1214/15-AOP1015},
 fjournal = {The Annals of Probability},
 issn = {0091-1798},
 journal = {Ann. Probab.},
 mrclass = {60H07 (60G15)},
 mrnumber = {3601655},
 mrreviewer = {Jingyu Huang},
 number = {1},
 pages = {518--534},
 title = {The determinant of the iterated {M}alliavin matrix and the density of a pair of multiple integrals},
 url = {},
 volume = {45},
 year = {2017}

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