
Tracy [Tra90]

BibTeX Entry:

 author = {Tracy, Craig A.},
 booktitle = {Solitons in physics, mathematics, and nonlinear optics ({M}inneapolis, {MN}, 1988--89)},
 doi = {10.1007/978-1-4613-9033-6\_9},
 mrclass = {58F07 (34A30 35Q51)},
 mrnumber = {1060544},
 mrreviewer = {Allan P. Fordy},
 pages = {165--174},
 publisher = {Springer, New York},
 series = {IMA Vol. Math. Appl.},
 title = {Monodromy preserving deformation of linear ordinary and partial differential equations},
 url = {},
 volume = {25},
 year = {1990}

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